Alcohol Freedom Corporate Challenge
"Challenge your beliefs and your behavior will change!"

30-day alcohol experiment
Taking a break from alcohol is going to be the corporate performance game changer in 2025!
​Elite performers everywhere are realising the benefits of time away from alcohol:
Increased energy
Increased focus
Healthier food choices
Better sleep
lower stress aand anxiety
Better relationships
Are you looking for a positive way to steer your team away from the ‘watering holes’ to build a culture of health and wellness, with more genuine connections that foster better and more inclusive working relationships?
70% of drinkers say they want to drink less than they currently do but struggle to be consistent - we can give you the tools to change that
What better way to increase productivity and health and wellbeing in the workplace. (lost productivity due to alcohol costs the UK economy £7 billion a year or 167,000 work years!)

Learn how to make alcohol small and insignificant AND eNJOY SAYING

About Justine
HI! I'm Justine Clark
I am 50 year old New Zealander, healing therapist, creative, mother, wife and at the very centre of my life. As a lifestyle coach I now have a unique opportunity to share my experience of learning to thrive rather than survive without alcohol and demonstrate how mistakes and discomfort promote growth and change.
In my search to live the best life possible I sought for health and well being which became increasingly at odds with drinking alcohol. This Naked Mind provided the community, coaching and science to make lasting change. The methodology promotes new neural pathways to grow and every day in every way allow you to become who you want to be.
I am not afraid to dream big and I want to make this dream reality with you.

About Barry
Hi I'm Barry Condon
I am 53 year old Brit of Irish descent, living in Leiden, The Netherlands. I'm a father, husband and coach. As a high functioning IT Exec who tried to manage the stress and anxiety of career, mortgage and parenthood (being a grown up) with booze, I learned the hard way that drinking more than you want to (even when you're high functioning and outwardly have it all together), is a soul destroying spiral of frustration, shame and regret. I didn't feel like I was an alcoholic but I also knew alcohol had become too important. Like the cigarettes I had kicked years earlier, the relaxation alcohol provided was brief and in fact it was generating more stress that it relieved (not to mention the other detrimental effects)
So, having tried to drink less for years, I discovered the This Naked Mind (TNM) methodology, and thereby, the secret to making alcohol insignificant in my life. I was able to not drink alcohol and not miss it in the slightest - freedom without willpower! Mind blowing! I had to help others do the same. As a TNM certified coach, I now help others learn how to free themselves from the over importance of alcohol in their lives too.